Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Schrodinger's cat (quantum physics )

Quantum physics is a branch of science that deals with discrete, indivisible units of energy called quanta as described by the Quantum Theory .
there are two types of physics -
1. Newtonian physics (gravity etc.)
2. quantum physics (study of sub atomic particles or really tiny particles )
    Schrodinger was a physicist who explained quantum theory by an experiment (the content in this comic is meant in a funny manner and means no harm)
    (just click on it for viewing )

    take the cat to be a sub 
    atomic particle and this is how they act by being at 2 places at once 
    there are lots of different answers to this study about how this could be possible.
    • Your consciousness affects the behaviour of subatomic particles
    • Particles move backwards as well as forwards in time and appear in all possible places at once. 
    • The universe is splitting, every Planck-time (10 E-43 seconds) into billions of parallel universes
    • or there are lots of different options under the box happening while we dont see inside it .
    • The universe is interconnected with faster-than-light transfers of information.