Sunday, 24 March 2013

so long ......

i don't think i have any daily readers of my blog but in case you are reading this ....
its been long ....
i have had much to do and little to write .

i get bored easily and that is what i am right now ....
you must be too .so ...

this is to announce that i will be giving a makeover to this blog ,
blogging about science is harder than i thought .so, i am going to increase my blogging topics .

when i was small i read up somewhere that the universe is currently known to be indefinite in all directions.
soon after that i read up elsewhere that the hubble space telescope can see till the edge of the universe .
i though that was balderdash !
 how can it see till the edge if the universe had no edge ?
i concluded that the statement was either a metaphor or a serious mistake .
couple of days later i have finally found the answer ,there was a misprint .
the hubble space telescope can see till the edge of the observable universe.

this universe includes everything that we have 'observed ' till date in the universe . we even know just how big
it is and it is BIG .
but what about the unobservable  universe ?
well its just that not observable . so as a tribute to what is the unobservable and not cared for i am going to blog about the little things in the universe which go unobserved .

this includes all the things that might seem useless but could one day make a big difference to the observable .

so ,i will end with ...
the universe is a big place but its the little things which go unnoticed that make it just how  big it is .